2023-08-25 18:19:47
Exhibition design and construction style classification standards
This paper introduces the classification criteria of exhibition design and construction style, as follows:

1, according to the display motivation and function classification

According to the motive and function of the exhibition, the design and construction of the exhibition can be divided into ornamental exhibition (including cultural relics, treasures, art exhibition), educational exhibition (including politics, history, achievements, propaganda exhibition), promotion exhibition (including various scientific and technological achievements exhibition), trade exhibition (including various exhibitions, fairs, fairs, shopping environment exhibition) and so on.

2. Classification by exhibition time

The design and construction of exhibitions can be divided into permanent exhibitions (museums, art galleries, themed entertainment commercial Spaces and other public exhibition venues or fixed large-scale commercial Spaces), long-term (regular exhibition activities or long-term open enterprise exhibition halls), short-term (short-term exhibition activities), regular, irregular, etc.

3. Classification by exhibition scale

Exhibition design and construction of super large (exhibition area of more than 1000 square meters), large (6,0011,000 square meters), medium (1001,600 square meters), small exhibition (less than 100 square meters) or international, national, local exhibition.

4, according to the display of the form category classification

Exhibition design and construction are divided into exposition, exhibition, museum exhibition, window display, shopping environment display, sightseeing spot display, festival etiquette display, etc.

5, according to the display environment classification

According to the classification of exhibition environment, exhibition design and construction can be divided into indoor display and outdoor display design: indoor display design mainly includes commercial space planning and design, commercial crystal display design, store design, POPuE design, display cabinet booth design, commercial window design, restaurant interior design, hotel interior design, etc. : Outdoor display design mainly includes commercial space appearance environment planning and design, shopping mall appearance design, festival promotion atmosphere, logo design, store image design, outdoor advertising design and so on.